ifastnet.com či www.infinityfree.net


absolutní NIC


Vše např.:

Si nahrajete přes jejich webhosting Drupal 9 a následně vám ho zablokují :-). Řeknete si asi je Drupal náročný na hosting tak jsem klikl na položku co mají na webu a nainstaloval přes ně Joomlu 4 a co se nestal opět se zobrazí blokovací stránka. A naivně si myslí, že člověk bude debil a koupí si od nich placený hosting 🙂

Prosím nekupujte od této amatérské firmy nic ani nezkoušejte jejich služby.


Absolute NOTHING


Everything e.g.:

You upload Drupal 9 through their webhosting and then they block it :-). You say to yourself probably is Drupal demanding on hosting so I clicked on the item they have on the site and installed Joomla 4 through them and what did not happen again the blocking page appears. And they naively think that a person will be a moron and buy paid hosting from them 🙂

Please don’t buy anything from this company, don’t even try their services. You will waste your precious time.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Tato amatérská firma vám napíše tento e-mail. Na jejich čistou instalaci Joomly 4:


Your InfinityFree account epiz_31756703 (Website for janousek.art) has been suspended.

Your account was taken down due to abuse. Examples of abuse include harmful or illegal content, or sites that overload our servers.

For more information, please submit a ticket from the client area. Staff can tell you more about why your account was suspended, reactivate your account, or provide you with a backup of your data.

If your account is not reactivated, it will be deleted automatically after some time. This usually happens somewhere between three weeks and two months after the account is deactivated.

So if you do not want to lose your website data, please take steps to recover them as soon as possible.

And if you do not want to keep this account, simply have patience because it will be deleted automatically.


Úsměvné oni si vlastně nahrají samy podvodný web i když není 🙂


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